A color scheme picker, take 1

collage of color schemes generated with my interactive utility

After my JS Color Layer Flattener and research for Web Design for the Non-Designer, I decided to implement the color scheme selection process outlined in WebdesignerDepot’s article How to Get a Professional Look With Color: choose up to five colors; increase to fifteen by adding the result of overlaying each color with translucent black or white; unify the fifteen by overlaying all with a common translucent color. Instead of manual input like the layer flattener, I went with Brian Grinstead’s color picker Spectrum, except for the black and white layers. The colors populate on load via David Merfield’s Random Color script, something I pinned a while ago but never used. I do use the blending part of my color layer flattener to compute hex values for the fifteen resulting colors.

Try it out!

[visit my blog to see the picker in action]

To use it yourself there are two pieces you need: jscsp-form.html and either jscsp-complete.js or jscsp-no-jquery.js. The form includes Spectrum’s CSS and both the scripts include both Spectrum and Random Color; jscsp-complete.js includes jQuery, as you might guess, so use jscsp-no-jquery.js if your site already loads jQuery. At the moment the GitHub repo for this is slightly behind CSS-wise but not functionality-wise.

To use: place a div with id="csp-container" in your page. If the file jscsp-form.html is not at the root of your webpage, assign the container div a data-path attribute with the URL between the domain and jscsp-form.html. For example, for example.com/gadgets/color/jscsp-form.html you would use data-path="gadgets/color". Including or excluding slashes on each end is okay. Call jscsp-complete.js or jscsp-no-jquery.js sometime after the container div.

My intention is to come back to this and add a means to select, say, five of the fifteen resultant colors and have them appear by themselves underneath the current contents, perhaps against both black and white backgrounds.

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