Gemstone Gradients: Tiger Eye

photo of 20 or so tiger eye gemstones

I’m going to stretch my CSS gradient design skills (well, really my eye for them) with a series of gradients inspired by gemstones. This one is from the tiger eye photo linked from a Monette Corporation article about inlaid instrument buttons, with the color codes determined by TinEye Labs’ Color Extraction Lab.

Here’s the non-prefixed code:
background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #713411 0%, #713411 3.25%, #4b3525 9.84%, #713411 16.43%, #ad5404 22.09%, #ad5404 23.5%, #ecad24 25.25%, #f9d940 26.25%, #f5e176 26.75%, #f9d940 27.5%, #ecad24 28.5%, #ad5404 30%, #ad5404 33%, #713411 36%, #713411 39%, #ad5404 43.23%, #ef910b 46.64%, #ad5404 50.05%, #713411 55.71%, #4b3525 60%, #4b3525 64%, #713411 68.89%, #ad5404 74.55%, #ad5404 75.75%, #ecad24 77.71%, #f9d940 78.71%, #f5e176 79.21%, #f9d940 79.96%, #ecad24 80.96%, #ad5404 82%, #ad5404 85%, #713411 90.03%, #4b3525 96.62%, #4b3525 100%);

I don’t expect to get to these very often but I already have a few more gemstone photos to play with.

Tiger eye photo at top by Adam Ognisty, via Wikimedia Commons.

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