Hallmarks of a Crank

After more than ten years in the world of academic mathematics, I have some experience with cranks and crackpots. For a while I was getting regular emails with beautiful graphics about squaring the circle, and I’ve seen talks where the validity or interest of the result hinged on, essentially, the incorrect use of a mathematical […]

Mathlinks: Statistics Edition

I had enough links from teaching statistics to make their own list. Actually several lists. Textbooks and other comprehensive approaches Online Statistics Education, an online openly licensed statistics text with labs; outgrowth of the Rice Virtual Lab in Statistics StatLib, a statistics community database The Little Handout of Statistical Practice, online textbook Sources for statistics […]

Language Arts

Happy Boxing Day, everyone. We went through a phase in graduate school of writing poems and songs, usually based off existing ones. I think they’re worth preserving, though I do shake my head a bit when I read some of them. I’ve given credit (blame?) below, though I did leave them in their original first-name-only […]

Mathematical Recreation

Mathematical recreation is to be distinguished from recreational mathematics. I am just not entirely certain how. Astonishingly, the links below – labeled “unchecked since 2004” – all still work as of this writing. I had them in a section headed “math entertainment.” The Mathematical Quotation Server is perhaps not “entertainment” per se, and is definitely […]