I had enough links from teaching statistics to make their own list. Actually several lists.
Textbooks and other comprehensive approaches
- Online Statistics Education, an online openly licensed statistics text with labs; outgrowth of the Rice Virtual Lab in Statistics
- StatLib, a statistics community database
- The Little Handout of Statistical Practice, online textbook
Sources for statistics
- Guide to sources of statistics from the US Census Bureau
- UNdata, international statistical data
- Facebook demographics vs. US demographics (April 2010)
Presentation of statistical information
- Graphic Sociology: evaluating visual presentation of data
- Information is Beautiful: data journalism in the form of visualization
- ChanceWiki for Chance News, reviewing news stories involving probability or statistics
- Junk Charts and Numbers Rule Your World, discussion of visual and written communication of statistical topics, respectively
- Unclear statistics explanation in a news article
Et cetera
- Why n-1 in the formula for sample standard deviation?, by Stephen A. Book
- Correlation is not causation from xkcd
- Statistics and dating from xkcd
- Stochasticity episode from Radiolab