Mathematical Recreation

Mathematical recreation is to be distinguished from recreational mathematics. I am just not entirely certain how.

Astonishingly, the links below – labeled “unchecked since 2004” – all still work as of this writing. I had them in a section headed “math entertainment.”

The Mathematical Quotation Server is perhaps not “entertainment” per se, and is definitely hard to navigate, but interesting nonetheless. I have no recollection how I came upon Math Fun with the Ramones but it is worth pointing out if only for your daily dose of dada. The most complete list of mathematician jokes I have found is this one from the Cherkaevs. A page with math humor, not all of it “jokes” strictly speaking, is the Science Jokes mathematician section. Both of the above are long single pages, but if you can wade through them there are some real gems.

In this section probably also belongs mathematical art. My favorite is Kerry Mitchell, whose work I discovered in the Phoenix Joint Meetings art display. Lo these many years later, I still have one of his pieces as my desktop wallpaper.

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