Heavy-handed examples

I like to present totally cooked-up examples demonstrating the reason for certain hypotheses or limitations in calculus, in the hope that they will help students remember and correctly apply the theorems more easily. Here are a few.

  • Note that the sequence \sin(2\pi n) has limit 0 but the function \sin(2\pi x) oscillates. This is why you can use convergence of the function to conclude convergence of the sequence of points along its graph, but not vice-versa. Intuitively, the function must “connect the dots” for its behavior to match the sequence’s (but the sequence can never be wilder than the function).
  • Let a_n = n and b_n = -n. These sequences each diverge (to \pm \infty) but their sum is constantly 0. That is why the Limit Laws only allow you to transfer convergence of individual sequences to their sums, products, etc., and not the reverse.
  • Consider the series with terms 1, -1/2, 2/3, -1/3, 1/2, -1/4, 2/5, -1/5, … It is an alternating series whose terms limit to zero. If we sum consecutive pairs of terms, however, we obtain 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5, …: the harmonic series, which we know diverges. This is why the Alternating Series Test requires the magnitude of the terms decrease to zero.

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