Basic research tips

Mathematical results don’t have to come from a bolt of lightning inspiration. This is a list I made long ago which may not help anyone who’s trying to do research, but may help someone who isn’t understand a bit more about the process.

  • do the homework: look at existing results and see if they can be improved.
  • do the non-assigned problems: look at merely analogous existing results and see if they can be adapted.
  • do the starred problems: look at open questions and see how they relate to yours.
  • change your perspective: look at equivalent characterizations of the concepts you’re working with, and see if that buys you anything.
  • stand on your head: try to prove the negation of the statement you’re working with and try to pinpoint why that fails. (Or maybe it won’t.)
  • increase your options: look for new equivalent characterizations of the concepts you’re working with.
  • widen your view: look for other related notions and compare them to yours in the way you are trying to compare yours to each other.
  • move to a sub-setting: prove a special case or assume a helpful lemma.
  • move to a super-setting: generalize your problem and try to prove that. This helps more often than you might expect.
  • change the problem: modify the definitions to see if you can prove results for those changed concepts.
  • olio: combine the above in every way you can think of.

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