Useful web-bits

This spring I started a new venture: professional web development. It is currently far more learning than doing, and I anticipate that being the case for a while. For my own future reference and perhaps to help others I’m going to publicly log the bits and pieces of information I’ve had to track down to make things work. I’ve lost the attribution for several of the forthcoming bits, but now that I have the intention of recording them I’ll maintain them better in the future.

In this entry, a few references I’ve found useful.

Mozilla Developer Network. My go-to for syntax checks, though I tend to use Google to search, e.g., “html margin mdn” instead of going to MDN’s site to search. They have both references and tutorials.

CSS-Tricks has provided me with a number of useful techniques.

W3C specifications for HTML5. Like looking things up in the encyclopedia. Also see their validator.

PHP Manual. When necessary; most of my PHP is WordPress-specific and so it is better to go to the WordPress Codex.

Stack Overflow. Can be a little hard to search. I actually found one answer by starting a question of my own, having decided no, the question hadn’t already been asked, and finding the suggested related questions included one I hadn’t found but was exactly what I needed.

And typically just for fun or curiosity, BuiltWith will tell you all about a page’s structure.

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