
close-up of the Hug Monster in a bouquet of flowers

I’ll try any craft once, and like to experiment and study, teach, design, try new techniques, and work on both very difficult/complicated and very simple/repetitive (meditative!) projects.

In 2020 I took up watercolor painting and made the second attempt in my adult life to learn to draw, which has been far more successful than the first. Journaling has become a large part of my life and often a creative act, and I’m looking to combine it with drawing, painting and collage into art journaling. I still sew and crochet, though much less of the time, and primarily for utilitarian reasons (masks, mending, winter accessory creation) or in support of my newer hobbies (covers for sketchbooks, pouches for markers).

You’ll find my patterns and tutorials listed in the catalog section of my craft blog,, and you can visit the craft blog itself (which is updated on a very occasional basis) or just the heavily curated craft Showcase category for my projects.

I used to teach at the Upper Valley Sew-op and may yet again; my regular offerings were Basic Sewing Intensive and Machine Care and Troubleshooting. The former was a two-part introductory sewing class where students learned about pressing, cutting, straight and curved seams, and other topics while making a tote bag. Machine Care was a workshop to which people brought their machines, cleaned and oiled under guidance, and got my help with difficulties that didn’t clear up in that process (time and tools permitting I’d even make small repairs). I hosted occasional Open Hours, where people could drop in without registration and use the equipment and materials on their own projects, was the unofficial sewing machine stablemaster, and sometimes taught crochet, alterations, or embroidery.

Further in the past I wrote on the blog Upper Valley Fiber Crafts and posted on Ravelry, but UVFC is long dormant and I’m mostly a lurker on Ravelry.

Please contact me with any questions.