Math(ish) quotations

Far from carefully vetted for accuracy. We must be careful not to confuse data with the abstractions we use to analyze them. William James A judicious man looks on statistics not to get knowledge, but to save himself from having ignorance foisted on him. Thomas Carlyle After all, facts are facts, and although we may […]

Excel for basic statistics

This is a page I made for my statistics students in Spring of 2010. I can’t guarantee it’s perfectly accurate with a current version of Excel because I don’t have Excel on my current computer, but I assume it should still be very close. In all of the below, “data” (“x-data”, “y-data”) stands in for […]

Hazards of correlation and regression

1. Drawing causation conclusions Ski and snowboard sales tend to rise and fall together, but sales of one don’t lead to sales of the other – they are both tied to an outside factor. Throughout grade school, mathematical skills correlate positively to height. Height doesn’t make you good at math, but older children are on […]

Risk and Statistics

The risks associated with medicines and medical procedures are rarely conveyed clearly. I remember learning about intra-uterine devices in high school health class and the fact that uterine puncture was a risk with them, which sounds awful and terrifying. However, there are two vital pieces of information omitted in that statement: first, how high is […]

Mathlinks: Statistics Edition

I had enough links from teaching statistics to make their own list. Actually several lists. Textbooks and other comprehensive approaches Online Statistics Education, an online openly licensed statistics text with labs; outgrowth of the Rice Virtual Lab in Statistics StatLib, a statistics community database The Little Handout of Statistical Practice, online textbook Sources for statistics […]