Language Arts

Happy Boxing Day, everyone. We went through a phase in graduate school of writing poems and songs, usually based off existing ones. I think they’re worth preserving, though I do shake my head a bit when I read some of them. I’ve given credit (blame?) below, though I did leave them in their original first-name-only […]

Mathematical Recreation

Mathematical recreation is to be distinguished from recreational mathematics. I am just not entirely certain how. Astonishingly, the links below – labeled “unchecked since 2004” – all still work as of this writing. I had them in a section headed “math entertainment.” The Mathematical Quotation Server is perhaps not “entertainment” per se, and is definitely […]

Advice to current grad students

In my third year of graduate school, after getting some positive response to my advice for prospective graduate students, I decided to write a second essay, advising current graduate students on staying happy and self-confident in grad school. As with the other, I don’t dare edit it at this remove, so here it is in […]

Parametrization of Curves

Parametrization is applied when an object is “really” of lower dimension than the space it lives in. Curves, whether they live in 2D or 3D, are really only one-dimensional. A surface, which might live in 3D (such as a sphere), is really only two-dimensional. The “really” is made rigorous by our ability to represent such […]

Advice to prospective grad students

While I was a graduate student, no later than my third year of studies, I decided to write an essay of advice to prospective graduate students about choosing a program and mentally preparing themselves for graduate study. I’d been through it myself, of course, and also was closely involved in the prospective student visits at […]