Graphing Utility Recommendation

Here at the start of another string of posts I wanted to recommend a graphing program I’ve used pretty intensively recently: Graphmatica. It’s shareware with a license fee of $25, and in particular if you want to graph complicated piecewise-defined functions it’s the best thing around. The graph below was entered as a single function. […]

Mathlinks: Statistics Edition

I had enough links from teaching statistics to make their own list. Actually several lists. Textbooks and other comprehensive approaches Online Statistics Education, an online openly licensed statistics text with labs; outgrowth of the Rice Virtual Lab in Statistics StatLib, a statistics community database The Little Handout of Statistical Practice, online textbook Sources for statistics […]


I had a page on my Notre Dame website called mathlinks. This isn’t the same collection but it falls into the same category. The math genealogy page is always interesting reading. A translation of Euclid’s Elements by Richard Fitzpatrick. The University of Michigan’s Historical Mathematics Collection. A page of famous codes and ciphers. Animated GIF […]