Musings on vectors

1. There is no one multiplication for vectors. You can define multiplication-like operations; some give scalars (dot product and other inner products) and some give vectors (cross product). Nicely, these behave like regular products when it comes to vector-valued functions: the product rule applies when you differentiate (though you must maintain ordering with cross product!). […]

Applying Linearity

At the center of almost any proof involving linear transformations is to apply linearity to move between the domain and codomain, preserving the structure of linear combinations. Statements proved in such a way: all linear transformations take 0 to 0 images of subspaces are subspaces (special example: image) preimages of subspaces are subspaces (special example: […]

Linear Algebra Presentations

Here are slide presentations for a linear algebra class that claims to include applications, but really barely has enough time to cover the nonapplied material. I made two presentations that could be done in 20 minutes of class time. These are both incorporated to some degree into the math club linear algebra talk I gave, […]